Thursday, April 14, 2005

raw meat and porn magazines

posted earlier at : Tuesday, Apr 12 2005, 01:19:20 AM

ok i feel very weird today. must be the fish curry! damn those fishies why are they soo tasty even though they're already expired?! so today i talked with nakajima today about anime. yeah he comes to my room more often nowdays i just don't know why. anyways, i told him that i loved the ghost in the shell series, appleseed, perfect blue, akira, tokyo godfathers and other non-mainstream anime and you know what he said? he said i'm a anime maniac and weird coz kids our age don't see those kind of anime! they're too complicated, violent and absolutely not cute! and i think eating raw meat is weird.....

but really, these animes are made by japanese in japan so why would they think it's weird? i liked the complexity of the story line and the issues they bring in their animes. well maybe he's right. it's maybe too complicated for them but i just don't know why is it ok to read porn magazines but not ok to watch violent complicated anime at this age? i think i should study more about them to understand.

anyways, i gave em my 'weird' anime collection so that he could learn to like 'em. i don't think his parents would approve him seeing that but who cares coz' i'm an evil foreign student who tries to destroy the minds of young japanese high school students! hahaha!

anyways, i'm waiting for yuusei to come over coz' he wanted my pirated version of LEGO STAR WARS. oh it's a very charming game and i bet he would love it coz' he's a lego freak! he got all this lego stuff in his room you would think he was selling lego to support his studies.

and while i'm writing this, i'm downloading a new malaysian movie 'SEPET' from my pal. people say it's a good movie and i can't see this movie unless i go back to malaysia... or get a copy from a friend. so i choose to copy hehe. after the download's finished, i'm going to bed coz tomorrow, i have 機械工作実習。 it's fucking rocket science!

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