My ZOTAC GeForce GTX 970 has 3.5GB of
GDDR5, and I am very pleased with it.
This will be my initial impression after
testing this card out for 2 days.
First, I am quite delightedly surprised by
its small form factor.
Just look at the size comparison of my past
graphic cards!
From the left: Gtx 970, Gtx 760, Gtx 560, Gtx 285. Straight up Nvidia loyalist!
The oldest Gtx 285 has the biggest size but
weakest of them all.
As technology progresses and efficiency triumphs,
size really does not matter, boys J
Next delightful surprise would be the
incredibly silent operation; it is almost non-existent!
The power consumption is even better too
with only 145W compared to 170W on the GTX 760.
More performance with less power: that is
the technological triumph of the new Maxwell architecture from Nvidia.
My last point would be the only point that
matters: This card is rocking my games without breaking any sweat!
I game on 1080 resolution and I can max-out
any graphics heavy games out there to date. Haven’t tried this on Crysis 3 yet
but I can run Far Cry 4, Assassins Creed Unity, Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes,
Metro 2033 Redux and Dragon Age Inquisition all to the max with solid 40 to 60
fps all the way.
Beautifully rich and detailed graphics with
buttery smooth gameplay is what I got with this 41000 yen card, and I believe
that it is worth every yen I spend :)
By the way, after receiving my order from
Amazon and realizing that the last 500mb of this supposedly 4GB card is of a
lower speed (some games doesn’t even recognize the last 500mb and only saw
3.5GB of useable ram), I complained to Amazon Japan and they agreed to refund
20% from my purchased price.
So basically, I got this amazing card for
just 32800 yen.
Amazon definitely has the best customer
service in the world.
And this is one of the main reasons why I
am ,and will be, their loyal customer.
Thank you Fukazawa-san!