that's why i'm going simple today and i would like to be able to achieve that by sharing my stupid curiosity about the significance of the adult materials corner and toilets in every japanese convenience store. every convenience store i went, they always put the adult corner just beside the toilet. every single store. seven eleven. sunkast. daily yamazaki. am pm. family mart. everywhere. it's funny though that a store with a name like family mart would sell porn.
so why would every konbini here, conveniently put their adult corner just beside the toilet? is it a symbolic thing? are they trying to teach the children who have free and easy access to these cheap pornographic materials to strongly associate porn magazines with taking a loooooooooong time in the toilet? i don't know. maybe i'll ask my japanese jehovah's witness friends about this matter.
anyways, convenience store in japanese is コンビニ (konbini - an adverb of コンビニエンスストア convenience store).
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