Monday, October 27, 2008

yen going up !

the rate against the malaysian ringgit is 0.038! compared to 0.032 last month. this is a good time to travel overseas!


  1. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Kita patut bersedih....nilai ringgit jatuh....ekonomi susah......

  2. when there is a negative, there is always a positive lurking behind it. when you can't do anything about the negative, try to capitalize of the positive!

    tiada guna bersedih. lebih baik berusaha untuk membuat sesuatu untuk bersedia menghadapi apa2 masalah yg akan tiba.

  3. Anonymous12:23 AM

    bersedih..ya....tiada guna bersedih lama2...tetapi hakikat tetap nyata...berapa ramai org susah kat msia....sendiri nak bantu....sekarang...langsung tak mampu..masa depan ......maka ...kita 'bersedih'...maksud nyer memikirkan tentang mereka2 yang susah itu.....bukan nyer utk bersedih sampai melalak....'bersedih' lah......berguna
    org yg tak 'bersedih' ini la selalu lupa....lupa akan usul ....

  4. @ ban mrnicekid's:

    sekali lagi... tiada guna ajak org lain untuk bersedih bersama... terimalah hakikat realiti dunia...jika...ada ruang untuk lain yg memerlukan...kita hulurkan bantuan...sekadar yg kita mampu...kita hulurkan bantuan...setakat yg dia perlu...kita hulurkan bantuan...supaya dapat sama2 maju...tapi kita tak perlu...menaip pakai noktah bertalu-talu...membazir noktah namanya itu...hehehe jangan bersedih aje kawanku...happy2 pon kena jugak selalu.

  5. Anonymous1:20 AM


  6. Anonymous4:49 AM

    sebenarnya bersedih itu penganti@perumpamaan bagi mengingat,mengambil,mengasihani iktibar,dll umpamanya...ada gunanya.....ada perasaan budibaik....ada la tindakan wajarnya.......hurai panjang lebar kene sound membazir nanti....tapi tak bazir pon....tak pa hang happy la,,,bila hang tgk org susah hang senyum segih ja...maju jugak

  7. ok point taken about the 'bersedih' part, and obviously anyone would agree with the 'mengingat, mengambil, mengasihi etc' stuf.

    "hurai panjang lebar kene sound membazir nanti"

    dude i think you should relax a little. bukan nya sound pasal huraian, tapi cara ko construct structure ayat tu. banyak pakai noktah. dot. dot. dot. aku cuma nak bergurau sket2 aje.


    anyways, you've totally missed the whole point of the post. i'm talking about the current and sudden trend of 円高 (endaka - appreciation of the yen), not the declining economy. the yen has been injected strong against euro, USD and a lot of other major currency. not just the ringgit. link:

    one more time, i'm talking about the sudden rise of yen, and the slight emotional comfortness that comes with it. but that does not mean that i'm being forgetful about the unfortunate few, because frankly, that is just a stupid exaggeration in a desperate attempt at building a dumb argument.

  8. Anonymous10:26 AM

    "noktah. dot. dot. dot. aku cuma nak bergurau sket2 aje."

    ya tau tau...........rilek2..............

    link tuh.....ikut sapa percaya...tapi kat luar sana....

    "that does not mean that i'm being forgetful about the unfortunate few"

    mana ada statement dibuat "hang" lupa mereka yg susah........"kita"

    ok la...hang nih 'keras' nih
    tak pa....jgn bek hati....
    hang delete ja semua message dot dot

  9. dude, this post is not political at all, so i've deleted the link.

    i get what you're trying to say, but it was just too obvious.

    kalo aku 'keras'....

    hang 'lembut' la yeh?

    relax2... just joking ;)

    p/s: link tu cuma tunjukkan kadar pertukaran wang asing diantara yen dengan usd. itu aje. yg gamba dlm post tu pulak tunjukkan kadar pertukaran wang asing diantara yen dengan ringgit. kedua2 graf menunjukkan satu ciri yg utama iaitu kenaikan mendadak yen.

    lagi sekali, post tu pasal kenaikan mendadak yen. itu aje.

    p/s no 2: toksah pakai Anonymous la. pakai aje nick 'ban mrnicekid' tu. sebab aku malas aje nak layan mereka2 yg anonymous nih. okeh?

  10. Anonymous8:30 PM



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